Now Open in Alpine, TX!

The Castle's Historical Record Begins...

To learn more about Castle in the Sky, who we are and what we hope to accomplish, the Castle’s origins can be traced back to an idea originally conceived back in the Summer of 2016.

After graduating from Sul Ross State University in Alpine, two of our intrepid owners –  Vince & Elizabeth – discussed the lack of any dedicated space regarding the gaming sphere in the surrounding areas. Having been involved in various gaming groups during their college years encompassing a wide range of games, from video games to board games, card games, and finally even a few tabletop rpg games, they found themselves missing the sense of community they had with many of their friends from college moving on to different places, no longer being able to meet up as easily as they used to. With no such haven existing at the time, the original idea for the Castle was born – a place where a community could be built, games could be played, and fun could be shared!

Of course, plans are more easily made then they are put in motion,and while the idea for the Castle continued to be formed and shaped, it would remain only a dream.

Jumping forward to the present day, after finding a new gaming group with related interests and business experience the rest of the party was assembled when Dominick & Rebecca jumped on board!

Together with the rest of the community, it is our hope that we will be able to make good on that original dream, to build a place right here in Alpine, TX, that would serve the local regions of Far West Texas and the Big Bend Area by providing a space where gamers of all backgrounds can share in the joys of playing games.

We’d love for you to be a part of our origin story!

The Castle's Royals

The Owners of Castle in the Sky at the Texas Renaissance Festival in Oct. 2021

From Left to Right: Dominick, Rebecca, Vince, & Elizabeth.

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