The Castle's Tabletop Library & Play Area
Castle in the Sky offers a wide range of board and tabletop games that are available to be played in-store by renting a table for you and your party.
Single player games, Games for Couples or Duos, 4-player games, party games and so much more will be available, with more added whenever we can.
If you find a particular game you enjoy, a copy may be available for purchase, or ask our staff and we’ll do what we can to get it ordered for you!
Curious about how a game is played?
Find something you’ve not heard of before?
The Castle will offer a series of YouTube videos with content ranging from How to Play, Reviews, and Our Favorites among them.
Renting a Table
Our Tabletop Play Area has tables available for different group sizes ranging from seating groups of 2-4 and 4-6, with standard tables and one premium table.
For general play, the cost per person is $5.
Ask about our rates for D&D Campaigns, etc.
Tabletop Library FAQ's
Here, we will provide more information regarding how the rental process works, how many tables are available, how long a table can be rented/reserved, and more.
Game Library